We walked faster then we had been walking, we probably had another mile to walk to get back to Orr Hot Springs. We were both shaking, felt cold, we were scared. We talked through it?? Was it a man or woman?? Was she going to kill us? I had noticed the tattoos on her fingers, wrists and arms. Emily thought it was a good sign that there was a dog in the car? we disagreed on this one, My thought was that she would sick the dog on us??? Having been bitten by a dog I am pretty scared of the ones I don't know and look scary to me??
Every car that came past us freaked us out, we stopped, turned around to see if it was HIm/Her??
After a while we started to laugh about it, wondered if we read too much news? We laughed about being thankful we would not end up on the front page of a news paper as the two girls killed on Thanksgiving Weekend. We thought we had made it???? Then she/he drove up again>>>>>>>>>>
We both freaked out. Emily was the good talker this time. Asked her/him if she/he was okay?? She said, "obviously NOT" Emily asked if she wanted to get out of the car and talk but the tone in Emilie's voice sounded pretty authoritative and more like a demand. The girl (we decided latter) just stared at us??? I was still unsure if we were going to be killed or not?? I was closer to the car than Emily, I wanted to see inside? See if she was holding a gun? Emily talked.. She started to tell the girl that her Mother had just died three weeks ago and she was not prepared for it and was not happy. I told the girl I had been sexually abused as a kid and beaten by my Father but I WAS HAPPY, I told her I had just about every form of therapy a person could do and there was hope for her. We both told her it was important to have close friends to get support from, I hugged Emily, told the girl we meet a year ago and love each other. The girl told us she felt USED AND ABUSED, she said she needed her Mother but her Mother would not be there until tomorrow. She told us she had good friends. Emily told her to go home and make macaroni and cheese??? The girl wiped a tear, said thanks and drove off…..
"What was the mac and cheese about" I asked Emily??? "to give her something to focus on to do" she said??? Okay????
We both though it was not too long to wait until tomorrow for her Mother to be coming?? We hoped the young girl would be able to hold out until then???
We wanted to tell the girl how SCARED we were by her behavior?? By now we new it was all about her, felt sorry for her, had compassion for her but our bodies were still freaked out and in shock. We both feared for our lives??? Neither one of us had ever felt that way before?? Emily lived through the Tsunami in Thailand and I though for sure i was going to die when I jumped out of an airplane but we had never felt fear for our lives in this way?? IT was EARY??
We were happy to get back to our cottage. We both laid down on our beds and fell asleep. The shock and fear took away our energy.
Sooo much for a lovely weekend in the country???
It was unfortunate it happen?? I have been going to Orr for over 25 years. It is one of my favorite places in the world, it has always been my garden of eden, my safe place. The day after it happened, Emily wanted to go for a walk while I had my massage but she wouldn't go because of what happen. We were both hopeful that we were of help to the poor girl but really not happy about how she went about asking for help??? Scarred the poop out of us!