I am soo happy to be back in California to be reunited yet again with my BELOVED friend. There were sooo many times when I lived in New Zealand that I wish she could have been there with me or I could have been witih her in CA. When her Mother died... I hated not being there for her. Life is FAST, short, quick, blink and it is over. I'm appreciating the life we have shared together and all the adventures we still have to come.
I was inspirered to write soemting about my deal long term friend after listening Forum on KQED tonight about the importance of female friends. I highly suggest listening to it, especialy if you are raising daughters and you want them to have rich relationships with women when they are adults.
I would NOT be who I am today without the LOVE and SUPPORT of my meditation group. Judy Cardoza, Dellalou Swan, Joyce Bryson, Liz Blackford, Maralyn Chambrau and soo many others. I learned soo much from them. I was a part of that group for 20 or so years. It came to an end not long before I moved to NZ 12 years ago.
I attmepted to get a womens group going in NZ... I offerend Full Moon Drumming for women, (I was labled a witch), I started a book group for women, (i was labled a lesbian), I was already labled a whore because I am a massage therapist!!!! Needless to say the womens group never took off.
Laura Woodrow started Womens Web 5 months ago, it's a group for like minded women wanting to love and support eachother. THRILLED to be a part of this group now, VITALLY important to me. To support and be supported by other women, we need it, I need it. (let me know if you want to join??)
Check out the pod case on KQED, tell me what it inspires in you?? http://www.kqed.org/a/forum/R201212061000

Sandy was a client originally, I helped her through labor and deliver. She did not have any medical intervention, one STRONG woman. Kayla is now 20 years old. Friendship is VITAL to our lives, we both appreciate our love for one another. Sometimes in life we find someone as screwed up as we are and it is nice to know there is another in the world that we can depend on to be "there" for us even if they barf on our favorite hat.

We meet in NZ, I was having dinner at her brothers house, she wizzed in, asked to borrow a water blaster (just before dark) then flew out the door. I said, "who is that? I want to meet her" We have been having adventures together ever sense.

We meet by me having my hands all over her body when she was naked!! (she was a client tooo, I know, lucky meeeee, what a great job I have.)
We have walked on fire together, bent rebar in our throat, shared meals and shared ourselves. I am now the proud Aunty to her beautiful Olivia Grace.

Diana brought her to NZ, she painted clouds on the ceiling of the Drawing-room. We fell in love instantly.
She converted her living-room into her Art Studio.
She is an artist from head to toe.
I adore her.

We meet when I went next door to see if I could borrow a blender. She was my first friend to come visit me in NZ. She bought a house three years latter and now lives there most the year.

I gave birth to her almost 31 years ago.
She is my child.
She has made me a GRANDMA!!!!
We are begging to become friends.
I LOVE her.

We can count Falco as a girlfriend TOO!!! He loves to dress up about as much as the rest of us girls.
My sister is my Idol, always has been always will be. She is AMAZING.

Alice was 12 when I was born, she says she was my second Mother, I believe her.

We meet in Massage School when Joanie was 4, (she will be 31 in March). Jeanette remembers the first time she came to visit and Joanie answered the door barking like a dog. Now Joanie has a nine month old son of her own. How time flyssssss.

I think I fell in love with her because she reminds me of my best friend from birth, Joan Regli.
We meet the day we both got a ride on the bus to Kalani just over one year ago.
It was destiny that be know each other.

WE meet in NZ, at a cafe... I said, "you look familiar, do I know you?"
Friends ever sense.

Another Crazy American I meet in NZ.
Falco and I went store to store in Auckland passing out brochures promoting Heaven Under The Moon. Kimy thought Falco was good enough looking to find an excuse to get to know us.

Another Nutty Kiwi
She sent me this photo of her holding a dead Turkey she picked up on the side of the road. She told me, "you are the only person I know who will understand this." She took it home, butchered it and put it in the freezer.