I'm sooo excited to have eaten my own RAW Quesadia. 17 months ago I ate a RAW Quesadia at the Makawaua General Store on Maui, I actually ate MANY of them, I LOVED THEM, couldn't get enough of them. I contacted the person who makes them, asked if I could volunteer for a few weeks in exchange for learning how to make them. He said, "NO, but if you ever live here and want a job, you would be welcome'
A few weeks ago I e-mailed him again, I said, "it has been over a year and a half and I can NOT stop thinking about your RAW QUESADIA." I suggested he go to my website and choose a piece of jewelry I made in exchange for the recipe. He e-mailed back saying I got POINTS for TENACITY and he gave me the recipe!!!!! WOW, what a LOT of work and ingredients but YUM YUM YUM. WELL WORTH THE EFFORT!! I'm still fantasizing about living on MAUI??
A few weeks ago I e-mailed him again, I said, "it has been over a year and a half and I can NOT stop thinking about your RAW QUESADIA." I suggested he go to my website and choose a piece of jewelry I made in exchange for the recipe. He e-mailed back saying I got POINTS for TENACITY and he gave me the recipe!!!!! WOW, what a LOT of work and ingredients but YUM YUM YUM. WELL WORTH THE EFFORT!! I'm still fantasizing about living on MAUI??

MY ART STUDIO (in California) is a make shift tent but I LOVE it. A place to leave my messes. I painted a Butterfly on my back "WALL" and wrote a poem/prayer we say in my favorite yoga class..... May I be at Peace, May my HEART remain OPEN, May I OPEN to the light of my OWN TRUE NATURE, May I be Healed, May I be a Healing to all beings.

DADS GARDEN is really every ones garden who helps work it, it takes many hands to keep it going and WATERED, which is never ending. THE REWARD is worth the effort though. I make my self a "GREEN DRINK" everyday. Great to go out and pick fresh flavorful tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, salad mix. I got the pumpkins in TOOO late, I dont think they will have anything on the vine by October?? The Heritage crook neck squash and zuchini from the Heritage Seed Bank in Petaluma are doing GREAT, sooo flavorful. Come Visit our garden, pick some fresh home grown veggies!