Falco decided to stay in Holland and end our relationship, Mom died after 10 months of cancer, Joanie got married, had a perfectly beautiful son, Jordan grew up, (he learned how to say PERSEVERANCE yesterday), What else??
Life.... Soooooo easy to fall right into life here in the Bay Area... there is WORK for one thing which is WONDERFUL.. Living in the wop wops of NZ where there are NO people it is a challenge to make a living. Family, Friends, fantastic weather, dance classes, like minded people, my BELOVED YMCA, verry easy to LOVE LIFE in California AND.... It is time for me to go HOME, (although I TRUELY believe HOME IS WHERE MY HEART IS) and my heart is at home just about anywhere I lay my head at night. I truly believe I am a gypsy in my soul and to the tips of my toes. I will return to NZ mid November, (although is saying that I have not yet bought my ticket??) I am writing this because I want to "PUT OUT THERE" what I want in life......... Which is.......Like Minded People to share my heaven with me.... It is tooooo big of a property to live on alone, it is tooo much work, it is tooo lovely to not share with others. SOOOOO... OPEN INVITATION to come visit AND see if it might be a place you would like to call home for awhile? I actually have no idea how I am going to feel about being there until I get there?? I can guess??? I think it will initially feel overwhelming, (all the gardening there will be to do) and SAD that Falco, (the dumb fuck) is not going to be my life partner living there with me??? (as you can tell I am still getting my head around this one, although I am "getting it" "digesting it" "accepting" it much better now.) THEN I will probably be ecstatic to sleep in MY OWN BED, enjoy a bath outside under the stars, a shower under the sun, have a fire burn next to my bed, cook in my own kitchen, (that I can keep as clean or dirty as I want!!)! AND I will desperately miss My Family and Friends, most especially Tanner and Jordan, they are both the light of my life, it is AMAZING to me how special they are to me?? How my heart if filled with love for both of them. I have always LOVED children but these two blow my mind wide open with LOVE. Because of this I don't know if I will want to live half way around the world from them?? Time will tell??? If they (and all the people that I love) would come and visit me REGULARLY (big ask because of time and money I know) I imagine I would want to live all of my life at MY HOME in NZ ??? I have to go FACE the Music, deal with my reality, go through all the emotions that are bound to be in me.
Feel free to let me know if you would like to be a woofer (willing worker on organic farms = work 4 hours a day for room and board) OR rent a room and do your own thing? OR ????? I'm open to what the possibilities look like. I want my life filled with and surrounded by people who CHOOSE LIFE, people who REALLY want to LIVE... people that value COMMUNICATION, healthy food, healthy living, exercise, relaxation, NATURE, PEACE, Art, TIME to think........Writers, Artists, Yogies ESPECIALLY welcome. AND CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, STRONG men (or women) who want to help build the stage for the outdoor amphitheater. YES... I would STILL like to build it.... Ann Randolph for one will come perform LOVELAND on the stage.. Were all brought into this world for some reason???? Mine seems to be to build a stage in the middle of the wop wops in NZ????? Why I have no idea but I am attempting to follow my heart and it still wants to make this DREAM a REALITY???? GEEEZZZEE, couldn't my purpose just be to still on a couch and watch TV???? Why sooo BIZARRE, different, unusual, dreams than the average Joe?? I DO NOT KNOW?? I asked myself a thousand times?? WHY ME GOD?? Why am I the one to carry out the trash from the creek on this land? why me to want to live here? half way around the world from my family and friends? Why me to build a stage in a natural bowl in the middle of know where? I HAVE NO IDEA but I am going to (attempt) to TRUST the process?? IF I get back to NZ and the people come into my life to make this dream a reality then I will embrace and enjoy the process, If I get back and it is me, myself and I and I feel overwhelmed and homesick I will sell up and call it quits??? Time will tell??? AND I know..... My life WILL unfold GRACEFULLY and EFFORTLESSLY.......
Feel free to spread the word to anyone you know of that has building skills, BIG muscles, a kind heart, loves to dance, loves to feel the JOY in life AND SEND THEM MY WAY........

I have a leagal land use permit to have 200 people in the outdoor ampihither.
The stage will need to be built and the terraces retained, a lovely creative adventure...

LIFE I say???? LIFE................