This is my BEST one yet, I LOVE it, can't wait to expereince it all unfolding.
Return to Venice
Be loved.
Love myself exactly as I am, fat on my stomach, all my wrinkles, veins in my legs.
Become a couple with a lovely man that wants to share our lives together.
Be a Gypsy in Europe, travel to Morocco, have meals under trees with fairy lights and candles.
Write MY stories of MY life.
Dream with my eyes WIDE open
Hug as often as possible.
Receive hugs as often as possible
Enjoy all that life brings me, lap it up, savor it and spread the joy!!!
Return to Venice
Be loved.
Love myself exactly as I am, fat on my stomach, all my wrinkles, veins in my legs.
Become a couple with a lovely man that wants to share our lives together.
Be a Gypsy in Europe, travel to Morocco, have meals under trees with fairy lights and candles.
Write MY stories of MY life.
Dream with my eyes WIDE open
Hug as often as possible.
Receive hugs as often as possible
Enjoy all that life brings me, lap it up, savor it and spread the joy!!!

Let Go Your Ego
MORE ART... A day of painting.. The idea was to have a few girlfriends over, each of us start a painting then rotate until at the end of the day, each of us would have painted on each persons canvas... It did NOT happen, we did not let go of our egos that way.. But we did let go. We each worked on our paintings until ?? 8:30pm!! Sooo funny, we said, "okay, lets finish the painting were working on then start another one to Let Go Our Ego" but we never got that far we were having soo much fun doing out own thing. We will have another gathering and try again. It was a BLAST of a day to be together and PLAY allll day. MORE ART< MORE ART< MORE ART!!!!!!
MORE ART... A day of painting.. The idea was to have a few girlfriends over, each of us start a painting then rotate until at the end of the day, each of us would have painted on each persons canvas... It did NOT happen, we did not let go of our egos that way.. But we did let go. We each worked on our paintings until ?? 8:30pm!! Sooo funny, we said, "okay, lets finish the painting were working on then start another one to Let Go Our Ego" but we never got that far we were having soo much fun doing out own thing. We will have another gathering and try again. It was a BLAST of a day to be together and PLAY allll day. MORE ART< MORE ART< MORE ART!!!!!!

It's been a whirl wind start to the year..... One weekend making my vision board, another doing art with girlfriends, another playing dress up in SF at the Edwardian Ball. Now I'm off to Venice for two weeks of Carnival!!! I was last there in 200o with my sister Jennifer. It was a once in a lifetime experience. I have felt like when ever I die it will be just fine, all the rest of my life is just the cherry on top after having Waltzed in my ball gown in a palace in Venice. I have not yet bought a ticket to a ball this year??? There are sooo many to choose from and they are sooo expensive?? I am open to see what I am drawn to do??? I have two weeks? to sit, watch, walk, play, read, meet people?? It is my first time being in Venice as a single woman?? The past two times I was without my partner but in a committed relationship..... I passed up some lovely opportunities to ????? I'm open to making up for lost adventures on this trip?? I hope reality is half as fun as my imagination? I'm open to many possibilities so it can only be a good trip?? It seems verry decadent to go alone.... Have no real plans.... be open to the surprises that will inevitably come??
Falco will meet me at the Amsterdam Airport on my way to Venice, I have a 4+ hour lay over. This will be the first time we have seen each other in over 2 1/2 years??? I am hoping for closure. When I last left Amsterdam I had no idea we would no longer be partners in life?? Funny how it is impossible to prepare for the unknowns in life. The Buddhists believe accepting what is, not fighting reality is the only way to go.... I am attempting this strategy... I'll let you know how it goes???
Falco will meet me at the Amsterdam Airport on my way to Venice, I have a 4+ hour lay over. This will be the first time we have seen each other in over 2 1/2 years??? I am hoping for closure. When I last left Amsterdam I had no idea we would no longer be partners in life?? Funny how it is impossible to prepare for the unknowns in life. The Buddhists believe accepting what is, not fighting reality is the only way to go.... I am attempting this strategy... I'll let you know how it goes???