Jordan and I walked (nothing for me but A LOT for an almost 3 year old) to the YMCA, I did PUMP, he played in the child care center.
We went to "Church" Jordan went to his "class" and I enjoyed an uplifting, thought provoking, fulfilling "sermon" .....What blew me away is how much of it is the same as what I am learning and practicing in The Artist Way.... Choose ONE idea, One Idea for my LIFE.... Don't pick up any new idea... What do I want to accomplish in this lifetime? What is IMPORTANT to me? What do I REALLY want? DOES MY DAILY ACTIVITIES SUPPORT THE END RESULT OF WHAT I AM STRIVING TOWARD???? That is a Bigggy. If I want a FLAT stomach am I doing my sit ups every day? Eating healthy foods? IF I say I want to learn to knit am I taking lessons to learn? MY problem is there is a THOUSAND things I want to learn, do , expereince. I have to pick one, FOCUS, COMPLETE it then move on. My latest ACCOMPLISHMENT is building a Chicken Coop with my Dad.... It all started by me telling Dad, " I want to teach you how to build something CHEAP AND NASTY" I wanted to slam together a "play pin" for our chickens, (which we have been talking about getting for years but not taking action on), the idea was it would be SMALL, light weight and we would move the chickens around the yard and they could eat the weeds, bugs, etc. WELL... My Father has never built anything other than BARTON BUILT BOM SHELTERS.. HE is incapable of building anything that is not BUILT TO LAST A LIFE TIME. So what I imagined would take one hour is STILL NOT DONE!! But I went today and picked up THREE chickens because it was GOOD ENOGH. Dad will have to finish it with the chickens inside it!!! I think in life we stop ourselves from doing something because we imagine it to be TOOO HARD, TOO many potential problems etc. My philosophy in life is JUST DO IT.... If problems arise, as they inevitably do, deal with them then. Life is not perfect, it is okay to make mistakes. The satisfaction of hearing those chickens clucking away is WORTH everything. Dad calculated that he had not have chickens for 62 years. WE Did IT... He came along kicking and screaming as he usually does but he eventually bought into it and LOVED the process. He was even singing during the day... That hasn't happened for a LONG TIME.
I got off on a tangent.....I wanted to share about how similar Church was this morning to the ARTIST WAY by Julia Cameron....Basically the premiss in both is to GIVE OUR POWER OVER TO A HIGHER POWER.... TRUST that there is a SPIRIT? God? ENERGY that is our SOURSE and fulfills our needs?? we are suppose to LISTEN FOR GUIDANCE? ASK for our needs to be meet? LISTEN AND LOOK FOR THE ANSWERS TO COME? Today we were told to #1 Know what we want #2 Don't get DISTRACTED #3 AIM HGH #4 GOR FOR IT with JOY, #5 LIVE WITH PASSION, (sounds yummy), #6 Learn to Prosper. In order to do all this we must be STEDFAST = RESOLVE FOCUS which is ABSENt of being Fickleness...... Doubting, second guessing, being wishy-washy
We do different TASKS each week in the Artis Way. This week we are attempting to do ONE NICE THING FOR OURSELVES every day and RECORD the results.. We are also meant to ASK (someone? spirit? god?) for something every day and RECORD the results... I have been LOVING this process. I have been asking for guidance to choose healthy foods, I have been asking for Guidance in my life..... I have been receiving signs,, syncronicities, answers. I HIGHLY recommend doing something nice for yourself every day, it is beautiful. It does not have to be big.. One day it was NOT eating the chocholate.. another day it was having a nap, giving myself a pedicure, a long walk with a girlfriend, reading my book, going to PUMP, going to YOGA. YEAAAAA what a life this is, we get t ENJOY it, TREAT ourselves, expereince JOY!!! Love ourselves!! What a concept!!!!!
My Perfect Day is not done.... Jordan took a nap in the car while I drove to Gilroy to get our new chickens..... Jordan woke up just as we arrived at the chicken farm.... We loaded up Red Star, Leg Horn and Brownie... We had a late Mexican lunch then went to WElcome our friend Bill back from NEw Zealand.. Where I hung out and talked with the adults and Jordan played in the "kitchen" with Lilly. When it was time to leave Jordan told Lilly, "I will miss you"..... THAT KID is one of a kind, verry special.
Dad and I got the chickens into the unfinished coop by 9 pm!!1 We congratulated each other on CO-OPERATING to make it happen. He did the calculations and decide it had been 65 years sense he had chickens. He said, "NOW WE HAVE A FARM"
We went to "Church" Jordan went to his "class" and I enjoyed an uplifting, thought provoking, fulfilling "sermon" .....What blew me away is how much of it is the same as what I am learning and practicing in The Artist Way.... Choose ONE idea, One Idea for my LIFE.... Don't pick up any new idea... What do I want to accomplish in this lifetime? What is IMPORTANT to me? What do I REALLY want? DOES MY DAILY ACTIVITIES SUPPORT THE END RESULT OF WHAT I AM STRIVING TOWARD???? That is a Bigggy. If I want a FLAT stomach am I doing my sit ups every day? Eating healthy foods? IF I say I want to learn to knit am I taking lessons to learn? MY problem is there is a THOUSAND things I want to learn, do , expereince. I have to pick one, FOCUS, COMPLETE it then move on. My latest ACCOMPLISHMENT is building a Chicken Coop with my Dad.... It all started by me telling Dad, " I want to teach you how to build something CHEAP AND NASTY" I wanted to slam together a "play pin" for our chickens, (which we have been talking about getting for years but not taking action on), the idea was it would be SMALL, light weight and we would move the chickens around the yard and they could eat the weeds, bugs, etc. WELL... My Father has never built anything other than BARTON BUILT BOM SHELTERS.. HE is incapable of building anything that is not BUILT TO LAST A LIFE TIME. So what I imagined would take one hour is STILL NOT DONE!! But I went today and picked up THREE chickens because it was GOOD ENOGH. Dad will have to finish it with the chickens inside it!!! I think in life we stop ourselves from doing something because we imagine it to be TOOO HARD, TOO many potential problems etc. My philosophy in life is JUST DO IT.... If problems arise, as they inevitably do, deal with them then. Life is not perfect, it is okay to make mistakes. The satisfaction of hearing those chickens clucking away is WORTH everything. Dad calculated that he had not have chickens for 62 years. WE Did IT... He came along kicking and screaming as he usually does but he eventually bought into it and LOVED the process. He was even singing during the day... That hasn't happened for a LONG TIME.
I got off on a tangent.....I wanted to share about how similar Church was this morning to the ARTIST WAY by Julia Cameron....Basically the premiss in both is to GIVE OUR POWER OVER TO A HIGHER POWER.... TRUST that there is a SPIRIT? God? ENERGY that is our SOURSE and fulfills our needs?? we are suppose to LISTEN FOR GUIDANCE? ASK for our needs to be meet? LISTEN AND LOOK FOR THE ANSWERS TO COME? Today we were told to #1 Know what we want #2 Don't get DISTRACTED #3 AIM HGH #4 GOR FOR IT with JOY, #5 LIVE WITH PASSION, (sounds yummy), #6 Learn to Prosper. In order to do all this we must be STEDFAST = RESOLVE FOCUS which is ABSENt of being Fickleness...... Doubting, second guessing, being wishy-washy
We do different TASKS each week in the Artis Way. This week we are attempting to do ONE NICE THING FOR OURSELVES every day and RECORD the results.. We are also meant to ASK (someone? spirit? god?) for something every day and RECORD the results... I have been LOVING this process. I have been asking for guidance to choose healthy foods, I have been asking for Guidance in my life..... I have been receiving signs,, syncronicities, answers. I HIGHLY recommend doing something nice for yourself every day, it is beautiful. It does not have to be big.. One day it was NOT eating the chocholate.. another day it was having a nap, giving myself a pedicure, a long walk with a girlfriend, reading my book, going to PUMP, going to YOGA. YEAAAAA what a life this is, we get t ENJOY it, TREAT ourselves, expereince JOY!!! Love ourselves!! What a concept!!!!!
My Perfect Day is not done.... Jordan took a nap in the car while I drove to Gilroy to get our new chickens..... Jordan woke up just as we arrived at the chicken farm.... We loaded up Red Star, Leg Horn and Brownie... We had a late Mexican lunch then went to WElcome our friend Bill back from NEw Zealand.. Where I hung out and talked with the adults and Jordan played in the "kitchen" with Lilly. When it was time to leave Jordan told Lilly, "I will miss you"..... THAT KID is one of a kind, verry special.
Dad and I got the chickens into the unfinished coop by 9 pm!!1 We congratulated each other on CO-OPERATING to make it happen. He did the calculations and decide it had been 65 years sense he had chickens. He said, "NOW WE HAVE A FARM"