OKAY< OKAY< OKAY….. I will CLOSE my Okay Cupid account…. I AGREEEE….I know I will "find" my BELOVED when I am REALLLY living LIFE.. Not "searching" on an on line website…..
Just Yesterday.. I was buying some lunch at the farmers market on California Ave in Palo Alto…. and…...A MAN said to me,"Are you from New Zealand?" I turned to look him in the eye… I did not know him? How did he know me? I said, "I am from California but my home is in NZ." He said, "I recognized you from okay cupid."………
TOTALY cool.. I'm out living life AND someone from the on line world recognized me in REALITY…..
HE said we "talked" about dancing?? NO memory on my part?? BUT.. YES.. Dancing is one of my Passions.. I look forward to having a life partner who will DANCE ME TO THE END OF LOVE…. Waltz me in Vienna.. Dip me, spin me, TAKE MY BREATH AWAY…..
REALLLLY nice guy… CUTE.. He looked me in the eye when we talked… FOCUSED on what I was saying.. was NOT distracted by his cell phone… Did NOT text once while we enjoyed every last bite of our delicious meal.. I had a chicken, spinach feta cheese crepe with mustard sauce.. he had a Vegan, gluten Free beet and sweet potato burrito….We shared okay cupid experiences.. Shared about our lives in general……He is the second oldest of five, i am the youngest of five… He lives with his parents and wants to build himself a house off the grid on their land in Palo Alto… We shared our DREAMS… What we are wanting to create in our lives…
He is seeing someone right now..It has been an on again off again relationship... He does not believe she is the one he will spend the rest of his life with AND they are being good to each other… He cares about the environment…Works with a woman I know from my Womens Monthly Pot Luck Group.. He has a BRIGHT smile…"If I find the right woman I might want children." GOT ME THERE…. NOT my MAN… I'm 49, I'm a GRANDMA for GOSH sakes… I have a 31 year old daughter…Oh wellllllll…. I gave him my card. He wished me LUCK…I hope he calls, I would like to be FRIENDS… I would like to get to know who this man is?? What he is alll about?? I enjoyed our initial, impromptu meeting. We seized the moment, shared ourselves with each other.. we weren't watching TV, we were out enjoying life, doing what we enjoy doing AND… would he have introduced himself to me had he not recognized me from the on line dating service??
Maybe I will re-think closing the account?????