On my Last Night at NVC class I made a REQUEST to play Empathy Poker….. I felt a NEED for some EMPATHY….
IT was BEAUTIFUL to be given the GIFTS….My fellow students "playing" attempted to GUESS my NEEDS…..Very Sweet to have people who love and care about me try to help me figure out what it is that I am in NEED of…… IT was a BEAUTIFUL process. I feel fully loved and supported in regards to going HOME
I’m SURE more... MANY more FEELINGS will envelop my body when i get “home” to my BELOVED HEAVEN..... But for my session of Empathy Poker that is all that was ALIVE IN ME.....
The NEEDS I was offered was MANY.... The ones I chose were.....
MOURNING ( I imagine this will be my first few weeks home)
ACCEPTANCE (For the REALITY of what is)
COMPASSION & EMPATHY (This I will be giving to MYSELF on a moment to moment basis I’m sure.)
SHARED REALITY (this was the MOST fun... Jesster (the clown that she is..... was holding this NEED and not offering it up to me...... She said, “I’m helping you out here... your going to be living in the wop wops, your going to be ALONE.. there is NOT going to be anyone for you out there”... Jean said, “Give it to her!!!” HYSTERICALLY FUNNY.. SWEET Jester.... trying to PROTECT me...... A Shared Reality does not have to come from my long time life partner/BELOVED.... As much as I hope some day it will.... Shared Reality can happen between any one..... it just has to be someone who loves and cares enough to want to attempt to get into my SKIN, my shoes, someone willing to LISTEN and REFLECT back what it is I am going through......I hope to be a good enough FRIEND to have a SHARED REALITY with others.... it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT NEEDS for me.. even if it is only a SHARED REALITY with my CAT... It will be Loving, connecting, being PRESENT for each other.....)
AFFECTION (could be hugs with friends, snuggles with my CAT, love I have to give children....and YES... I hope someday with my BELOVED)
NURTURANCE (I will have HOURS AND HOURS of hot bubble baths, I hope to get many hours of massage, I will take care of myself by making time to exercise, get plenty of sleep.....)
FRIENDSHIP (YEAAAAAAAAAA, CANT wait to be with my dear nutty NZ friends!!!!)
HELP & SUPPORT &PARTICIPATION (This is going to happen with George coming the month of March to help build the stage for the out door amphitheater. And the Many friends and wwoofers that are going to be coming)
TRUST (As to my decision long term to stay, go, or ????)
To buy your own GROCK Deck of Empathy Cards go to http://www.groktheworld.com/grok-card-games
To learn more about Non Violent Communication check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kHUw4Qz3bE
MANY MANY THANKS TO JEAN MORRISON for inviting me to be her assistant for the Work Scholar Month at Esalen Institute at Big Sur CA….. It was a BLISSFUL, HEART FELT LEARNING expereince on all levels, an AMAZING opportunity that I am sooo GRATEFUL to have had.. Living and Learning under your EXPERTLY taught instruction was a GIFT of a LIFETIME…. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
To learn more about Non Violent Communication check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kHUw4Qz3bE
MANY MANY THANKS TO JEAN MORRISON for inviting me to be her assistant for the Work Scholar Month at Esalen Institute at Big Sur CA….. It was a BLISSFUL, HEART FELT LEARNING expereince on all levels, an AMAZING opportunity that I am sooo GRATEFUL to have had.. Living and Learning under your EXPERTLY taught instruction was a GIFT of a LIFETIME…. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.