Clouds, Pahutakawa Trees, Black Sand Beach, Rob Roy Hike South Island, The Goddess Of Strength I built from Soft Stone. Sunsets over the Tasman Sea - West Coast, North Island, New Zealand- My HEAVEN Girlfriends, Coastal Hike looking across to the Awhitu Peninsula and massive sunsets- HEAVEN The Milford Sound - A BUCKET LIST, once in a LIFETIME experience While I was hiking in Heaven, My Father, Tom Barton, had open heart surgery Soon after I returned to California, my Darling, DEAR, INTELLIGENT, Honorable, Fran left our earth. I was BLESSED to be able to help her transition from living in her body to moving on to whatever it is that comes after. She chose Judy and I to assist her. I brought her a book, SHE. Fran took it out of my hands and read it to me. When she was done she said, "Where did you find this? Where did you find this." It was her life. As we laid in bed together, she said, "This is not as hard as I imagined." Fran was one of my MOST BELOVEDS. When I would e-mail her from NZ, when I was struggling in one way or another she would remind me, "Get Over It and Move On." she was never one to complain. Deal with what ever is happening, accept it and get on with life. After she died, I had a good long cry.... until I heard her in my head, "Thats enough Cheryle, get on with it." Fran was extremely practical. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION!!! Margot Duane gave me a photo shoot for my 50th Bday- We made it happen two years late- I was 52, it was a joy to expereince! HELP ME!!!!!! Since becoming a GRANDMA, Life has never been the same! Priorities changed. Nothing else matters. Sisters, Three Generations and Tea Parties Hannah, Big Sur, Emily, SF & Aunt Mildred Girlfriends at Orr Hot Springs Grand ADVENTURES and SLEEPING BEAUTIES Hike to Half Dome, Under The FULL MOON, Yosimite National Park- Steve and Johnny Esalen, Big Sur, Month Long Deep Tissue Therapeutic Massage- Rob Wilkes (one of my FAVORITE massage therapists) More GRAND ADVENTURES with "the kids" Bike Ride in the Marin Headlands with Steven Rodrigues Month Long Non Violent Communication at Esalen Big Sur- Assisting Jean Morrison Christmas FUN A weekend class teaching me how to ride a motorcycle- NEVER GOT ON ONE AGAIN- I want to LIVE!! Why did I stop the blog?
I moved to Facebook? In 2014 I gave myself a Gypsy trip to CELEBRATE my 50th Birthday. Morrocco, Austria, Switzerland, Holland.....HEAVEN! Today is January 6th, 2024! I will turn 60 on June 4th! NUTS..... where on earth did TEN years go?? I can NOT believe I have not written anything sense MAY…. Geeezzeee… I have actually written HEAPS but have not posted anything..
I did a week long FAMILY CONSTELLATION workshop at Esalen for my Birthday Week… WOOO HOO… I turned 50 at Esalen… YEA…. what work I did. tough.. too tough to go into details here.. if you have any interest I'm happy to share all in person. I had a 50th Bday party for myself… LAST one of this lifetime….. sooo stressful.. I am really a one on one kinda gal… I appreciate deeper connections than what can happen at a "party".. and it was lovely. I SAT ON MY ASS FOR TEN HOURS A DAY FOR TEN DAYS at a Vipassana SILENT Meditation RETREAT…… I YI YI…. what an expereince… That too I am happy to share if there is any interest… Ive decided some things are just toooo private to share via a blog…. I'm leaving in two weeks to be a GYPSY… this is the GREATEST gift to myself for my 50th B-day… I will be a VAGABOND… although I much prefer …… HUG AMBASSADOR TO THE WORLD…..I will attempt to HUG as many people every day as POSSIBLE.. beats trying to learn a new language… The HIGHLIGHTS of my life have been taking naps with Jordan and Tanner… smelling baby Taylor and taking naps in the hammock…. sooo funny.. "They" always talk about how TRANSFORMING the Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat is…… I transformed into a woman who wants to SLEEP MORE, lay in the hammock MORE….REST more…talk slower, do less and be okay with it.. FOR ME THAT IS TRANSFORMATION….. Loving Life everyday. xxoo cg ![]() It was last Friday and today… Jordan and I got the "make shift" art studio cleaned up and organized then he painted.. then finger painted… then washed up…..then picnic with Olivia and Diana…THEN…. Playing with animals at Hidden Villa. Sooo fun to see the baby chicks and baby pigs be one week older.. one week bigger…. I was moving pretty slowly after being sick all night but nothing like an active four year old with ENERGY TO BURN to get me over being sick. Yesterday afternoon out of the blue and for no reason I started feeling MASSIVE pain in my head…I felt like I might pass out and eventually I did vomit…. YUCK….. on the grass in front of the library…. in PUBLIC… Talk about Vulnerable… I did not have my phone with me..I could not remember anyones phone number?? I was not sure I would be able to drive myself home? I was sweating yet felt cold as ice…I eventually made it home. Dad made me a dose of Castor Oil and sent me to bed.. I felt like CRAP but extremely loved and cared for…This morning the pain in my head is gone, I have my bowls cleaned out and feeling much better…Weak and light headed but sooooo much better….FAROUT…. no idea where the sickness came from? Thank Goodness it is gone and thank goodness for a GREAT Dad who knows Castor Oil solves all problems. He did laugh out loud when he gave it to me…. he knows how powerful it is… He thinks it is funny when it isn't he who is taking it.
![]() I arrived in California yesterday…. Immediately went to be with Joanie and Grandkids… SWEET… I've got some ORGANIZING to do!!!! This will be the BEFORE photo….. I hope before the end of the day tomorrow I will have an AFTER photo done….. It is ALWAYS harder to organize my own stuff….. DO I LOVE IT???? DO I LOVE IT???? That is what I ask my clients over and over.. if not.. DO YOU USE IT??? I'm attempting to be easy on myself.. I gently help my clients through this process so I'm going to be kind to myself…. Hard to get much of anything done in between watching a TORNADO… Sweet Adorable Jordan Conrad Alexander…… and helping Dad find the keys to my car??????? He is 85 now……. ![]() Jordan is crashed out on the floor.. exhausted from a day of cycling to the park… watering the garden, playing like MAD while I attempt to get organized with office internet stuff.. sooo good to have internet after FIVE months!!! Wooo Hooo…. I'm connected again! The GOOD LONG HUG we had this morning when we first saw each other filled my heart with the GREATEST LOVE imaginable…I tell you… nothing like innocent souls!!! ![]() Sweet Sweet Sweet to See, Feel, Smell Baby Taylor… she has my long fingers. ABSOLUTLY nothing as sweet as loving, having adventures and being with Tanner John! I sure did miss MY BOYS!!!!!! ![]() Sooooo Happy that Tanner knows his Grandpa Barton…..It breaks my heart that my Mother never meet Tanner.. she would have LOVED him soooooo much.. I know she is sending him good loven from her spirits place. ![]() The day before I left NZ it was misty raining.. lovely… The day I left was the most PERFECT, CALM, CLEAR, Autumn day… hard to leave on such a perfect day…. Hard to leave after re-claiming it as my own.. cutting back the overgrown grounds…Enjoying it in soooo many ways with sooo many friends…. NO doubt about it… I do LOVE my Heaven.. it is MY HOME. As is California……I will LOVE and enjoy ![]() WOWWWWW.. What a WHIRL WIND…. Not sure where to start???? It seems totally unreal that Joanie… my daughter is now the MOTHER of TWO??? I'm dying to Touch, Smell, Kiss and LOVE on all of the young baby being ![]() I'm brining ANOTHER suit case of baby clothes that were Joanies….30+ years old.. Totally RETRO…Kristen thinks the MASH pajamas are worth a MILLION……They are washed and ready for Taylor to wear.. her Mothers baby clothes!!!! Sooooo many beautiful memories. Kristen (in the cottage.. the new LOVE OF MY LIFE) turned me on to Downton Abbey……GEEEZZZEEE… I have an addictive personality… George, Jane and I were watching THREE a night.. we have finished series 3 plus the X-mas special….. and I'm chomping at the bit to see series 4???????? It was from drooling over the costumes that I decided to host a Downton Abbey/ Brothel party… HEAPS of fun.. and BOY was it nice to see men DRESSED UP.. nothing more fun than Playing dress up. ![]() ABLE TASMAN A HOLIDAY where you walk the beaches, sleep in huts, get a boat to carry your heavy pack….. What more could you ask for????Lynda, Jane and I enjoyed a walk together on the Able Tasman.. Eat, Drink and be Merry!!!! Wooo Hooo.. We even LIVED through the boat ride back to civilization.. Wave after Wave crashed over the boat.. we were seriously scarred while LAUGHING and clinging tight to the railing and singing the theme song for Gilliagans Island. ![]() George was here from Hawaii for five weeks to build the stage for the outdoor amphitheater… it did not happen….. SAD… I did not get the permit to build.. I need a registered engineer and the plans re-designed to comply with a building code that is STUPID…. and EXPENSIVE….. soooo… back to the drawing board??? I will attempt to earn MORE money for stupidity….. I could just build the stage and risk getting reported by ???? someone who does not want to see this project succeed but with my luck and past history I know it would happen… sooooooooo I will attempt to earn the money and be PATIENT….. OR SELLLLLLLLLLLL… time will tell how it will pan out… I am soooo ready to have a postage stamp size home with no maintenance and low expenses…. I am physically burnt out from the manual labor…and I want a PARTNER or several if HEAVEN UNDER THE MOON is ever to be again??? I'm continuing to pray for guidance and GRACE in this area of life.. I continue to LOVE LOVE LOVE my heaven and I know I can not maintain it alone…. unless I win the lottery which I do not play?? I'm open to seeing how it goes??? I have made some GREAT improvements to the property over the last five months. it is looking GREAT… George finished the inside of my massage studio with windows built from the Sapphire Gin Bottles, insulation, more windows and now electricity.. Wooo Hooooo.. it is BEAUTIFUL.. just need CLIENTS!!!!! George and Rodin built and AMAZING swing in which to enjoy watching the sunset and drinking cocktails, waving goodbye to family, friends and guests… (AS a GRANDMA does)…. MANY MANY trees are gone.. the view is wide open.. Kristen in the cottage has a new sink, cabinets, toilet and flooring!!!! THANK YOU GEORGE for all the work you did….. ![]() Dellalou believed we were on this earth to ENJOY LIFE….. there was no reason other than JOY to spend time, energy and effort to build a swing… to EXPEREINCE the JOY of swinging and watching a sunset… HEAPS AND HEAPS of LOVE and THANKS to Terry for bringing over his tractor, chain saw, humor and SWEETNESS…. George for his BRAINS and PATIANCE. Rodin for his BEAUTIFUL STRONG BODY, quick intelligence and ENERGY…. It was soooo fun to come up with an idea in two seconds then watch it become a reality two weeks latter with LOTS of effort, time & co-opooration… AS with sooooo many projects here in Heaven… I would have LOVED for it to have been a documentary….. there is no way to convey the process without contributing to the project… being a part of it. .. SOOOOO many THANKS to the powers that be that allow me to experience the JOYS of this amazing life…... |
AuthorSingle FIFTY Nine year YOUNG female, Mother of 41 year old daughter, GRANDMOTHER to 11 year old Tanner John, 9 year old GRANDAUGHTER Taylor Lee and LAST BUT NOT LEAST GREAT Aunt to 14 year old Jordan (I call him Buddah or Typhoon) Archives
January 2024
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